Growing Minds

Like laughter, learning spreads joyously. Pass it on! Our early childhood classroom is designed as a community, where your child not only builds skills vital to kindergarten success, but also gains respect for others, and a strong sense of confidence. As they bond with classmates, they:


Build independence Develop cooperation & communication skills Engage in hands-on learning

  • Age Group: Preschool 3-5
  • Pricing: Please Call the Center for Pricing

Class Schedule

drop-offs, welcome children, free play and/or structured-play, story-time, toys, etc.

7:30 Am – 8:00 AM




8:00 Am – 8:30 AM




free play

8:30 Am  – 9:00 Am




(Mother Goose Time Preschool Curriculum)

9:00 Am – 9:30 Am

arts and crafts, story-time, various learning games

9:30 Am – 10:00 Am

music, song and dance, tumbling exercises

10:00 Am – 10:30 Am


outside play-time

10:30 Am  – 11:15 Am


table activities and occasional educational video

11:15 Am – 11:45 Am

lunch time, clean-up/wash-up, and get on cots.

11:45 Am – 12:15 Pm


story time

12:15 Pm – 12:30 Pm


rest-time and/or quiet-time

12:30 Pm – 2:30 Pm

free-play and/or structured-play, puzzles, books, various learning toys, etc.

2:30 Pm – 3:30 Pm

afternoon snack, clean-up/wash-up

3:30 Pm – 4:00 Pm

pick-ups, outside play, coloring, play-dough, toys, story-time, etc

4:00 Pm – 5:00 Pm


after school programming

4:00 Pm – 6:30 Pm



6:30 Pm -7:00 Pm

clean up/wash up/brush teeth

7:00 Pm – 7:30 Pm

quiet time, story time, bed time

7:30 Pm – 8:30 Pm